Language, Logic and Information


27 November 2020
13:30 - 15:00
Teams (NLP)

NLP Reading Group on 27/11: EMNLP/CoNLL experience and research round

For the next meeting we will have an informal research round where we can share our research/teaching-related activities/challenges.
Those who have attended EMNLP/CoNLL (and associated workshops) are encouraged to show up and tell the others about the talks/papers they found interesting or share their online conference experience.

We will decide the next paper for reading at the meeting.
Meanwhile, the previous pool of papers that got less than N votes in the last N months (N>0) has been cleaned up.
Those papers can be found in archive with the [Drop] prefix.
I have also added new papers to the pool which got the best paper or honorable mentions at EMNLP & CoNLL.
Please, as always, consider voting for the existing papers or adding the new ones.

See you on Friday